Sacramento Audubon Society

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2023 - 2024 Sacramento Audubon Board Elections

Voting on the slate of officers and directors for the Sacramento Audubon Society for the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year will open on May 22nd and close on June 15, 2023. You can cast your vote in one of two ways: either using an online voting link or by sending in a mail-in ballot. Both will be found in the June issue of The Observer. The link to vote online will also be emailed to members. As per the SAS bylaws, one must be a dues-paying SAS member in order to vote.

If you are interested in joining the Sacramento Audubon Society's Board of Directors contact Paul Miller.

Slate of Officers and Directors for 2023 - 2024

President: Paul Miller
Vice President: Eric Johnson
Treasurer: Harriet Saeck
Recording Secretary: Replacement Pending
Corresponding Secretary: Nancy Gronert
Directors: Anthony Asay, Susan Goodrich, Taylor Florence, Bill Weaver

White-faced Ibis, Image by Ray Rozema