This is a Bufferlands event. Registration is required for this event.
Join us for a walk of up to 1.5 miles to look for the three regular owl species found on the Bufferlands. We hope to have locations staked out to see Barn Owls and Burrowing Owls, and we hope to find a viewable, early Great Horned Owl nest. We’ll stay out until sunset and watch for what can be the dynamic movement of birds and other wildlife as they prepare for nightfall.
Portions of the walk may be in areas that are wet and muddy, and we will provide those registered with updated site conditions.
Advanced registration is required for this free event as space is limited. We will begin accepting reservations on January 8, so please plan accordingly. Please visit for registration information.
No Pets, Please! For all Bufferlands events, we respectfully request that you please leave your dogs and other pets at home.
Barn Owl, Image by Daniel Lee Brown