Join / Renew / Donate

Sacramento Audubon Society is a volunteer run organization. Through extensive educational programs, ongoing community outreach, land stewardship, and scientific-based conservation efforts, we seek to effect positive change in our community and work towards preserving our region’s biodiversity for future generations. Membership dues and donations allow Sacramento Audubon Society to continue this work.

Join / Renew / Donate

Membership in Sacramento Audubon Society

Sacramento Audubon Society’s membership is $35 per household and lasts for 12 months after you join. By becoming a member, you will help SAS continue its Mission. Members also receive our monthly newsletter, The Observer. In The Observer you’ll find updates on local conservation, legislation and advocacy alerts, and a list with descriptions of our birding hikes, and other chapter-related bird stories and news. New members receive The Observer in color via email. Receiving your newsletter by email is an eco-friendly option. If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of your newsletter through the mail, please email Membership. Renewing members will continue to receive The Observer as previously specified. If you would like to change how you receive your newsletter or report a change of address, email Membership at

Join / Renew / Donate


Gifts and bequests are a wonderful way to help with the Sacramento Audubon Society’s mission and its commitment to preserve bird habitat in the larger Sacramento region. You can donate to any or all of the following: the General Fund, the Education and Conservation Fund, and the Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary.

Join & Donate or Renew & Donate

If you would like to make an additional donation when you join or renew, you can do it all at the same time. Just click on the Join / Renew / Donate button and follow these simple steps.

1. Your Email Enter the email address at which you would like to receive your receipt. 

2. Your Contribution Select an amount that’s shown or enter your specific combined total amount: membership dues $35 + donation amount. 

3. Payment Complete your payment information. 

4. Additional Information Select what you would like to do: join and donate or renew and donate and check the appropriate boxes. You can check multiple boxes. Anything over $35 (your membership dues) will be applied as a donation. If you would like your donation to go to a specific fund you can designate which fund in the Donation Instructions box. Just type in General Fund, Bobelaine, or Conservation & Education. If you would like your donation to go to multiple funds just indicate how much you would like to go to each fund. For example $50 General, $40 Bobelaine. If you leave the Donation Instruction box blank, your donation will be applied to the General Fund.

Join / Renew / Donate

Join By Mail

If you would like to join by mail, click the button below for a printable form.


Gift Memberships

If you wish to give a Sacramento Audubon Membership as a gift, click the button below for a printable form. Please mail this form with dues payment to Sacramento Audubon Society, P.O. Box 160694 Sacramento, CA 95816-0694.


Tribute Gifts

Individuals wishing to honor a family member or friend can donate in their name. Click the button below for a printable form. Please mail this form with your donation to Sacramento Audubon Society, P.O. Box 160694 Sacramento, CA 95816-0694.


Donate by Mail

Mail donations to:

Sacramento Audubon Society

P.O. Box 160694

Sacramento, CA 95816

Contact Membership at with any questions about joining or renewing your membership or making a donation.

Sacramento Audubon Society is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Federal Tax ID # is 94-1615830.

Banner Photo Credit: Black-throated Gray Warbler by Susie Nishio