Registration is NOT required for this field trip.
Field Trip Leader: Jane Taylor
Feather River Parkway, a regional park, abuts the Feather River near the heart of Yuba City. Like Bobelaine Audubon Sanctuary downstream, it is a riparian zone with walkable paths. Unlike Bobelaine, however, it has fewer trees and more brush. With winter visitors likely gone, we may see some nesting activity. Migrating orioles and grosbeaks may be present, as might brush specialists like thrushes and California Quail. Raptors, including Bald Eagle and Osprey plying the river for fish, are a possibility. Flooding, steady rain, high wind or dense fog cancels.
Access the parkway from Highway 20 in Yuba City, exiting to the north on Sutter Street from either east or west. Take Lamon Way right, Von Geldern Way right, and turn left on Sumner St, which becomes Feather River Parkway. Go over the levee and into the parking area, which, according to a Yuba City visitors website, has a restroom apparently added since my last visit several years ago.
Osprey, Image by Ray Rozema