Field Trip Leader: Mackenzie Hollender
Field Trip Leader: Cliff Feldheim
Supervisor: Kevin Hollander
This is a Young Birders Club field trip. Participation is limited to members of the Sacramento Valley Young Birders Club. Registration is through the young birders club Slack. Please go to to become a member.
The Mountain Plover is a small, sandy brown, threatened species of shorebird that winters entirely in California’s Central Valley. The Mountain Plover is found in large, native short grass prairies, and vast dirt agricultural fields. Recent Sacramento Audubon conservation efforts have been aimed at creating a survey to better understand the movements and population sizes of our wintering Mountain Plovers. Join Cliff Feldheim, the leader of the Sacramento Audubon Conservation Committee, and Mackenzie Hollender as we partake in a survey for Mountain Plovers at one of the survey sites in Yolo County. In this special field trip, you will learn about the local Mountain Plovers and their conservation, and participate in a scientific survey! We will be counting and observing the local flock that uses the agricultural fields near Highway 45 and County Line Road. Be prepared for a lot of standing in a fixed location. There will be no restrooms. Please bring a spotting scope if you have one.
Directions and confirmation of exact meeting location and time will be provided upon registration.
Mountain Plover, Image by Daniel Lee Brown