Helping Connect Kids and Nature

With COVID closures and restrictions, our own outreach programs on hold, Sacramento Audubon began sponsoring Effie Yeaw’s program “Nature in Your Classroom” in April of 2021.  Reaching out to Title 1 elementary schools in the Sacramento Unified School District, we were able to bring this fantastic virtual program to over 300 students.  The response has been terrific both from the students and the teachers.

Effie Yeaw’s “Nature in Your Classroom” takes the Nature Center to the school.  When COVID shut down the in-person program, the staff of Effie Yeaw quickly adapted their program and began offering a virtual version via Zoom.  In the program, students learn about local wild animals and their habitats, exploring skulls, fur, and feathers, and meeting Effie Yeaw’s animal ambassadors.

We look forward to sponsoring this program for more students in the 2021-2022 school year. Effie Yeaw plans to offer both virtual and in-person programs, moving forward.  

According Daphne Reimer, who is heading this program for Sacramento Audubon, “The biggest challenge is to connect with the appropriate people at the Title 1 schools.  To let them know we are willing to sponsor this program for their students.”

If you have a connection to a Title 1 school or teacher that would like to take advantage of this program, have them contact  Effie Yeaw is currently schedule programs for the next school year.

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You can help bring Effie Yeaw’s “Nature in Your Classroom” to even more students, by donating to the Sacrament Audubon’s Education and Conservation Fund.

Donate to the Education and Conservation Fund