Sacramento Audubon has a variety of volunteer opportunities available at present. Two board positions are open- Vice President and Recording Secretary. The Hospitality Chair position will be vacant as of May. Also the Outreach Committee is seeking volunteers to help out at upcoming spring and summer events.
Sacramento Audubon Board Openings
We have two Board positions now open. Harriet Saeck has stepped down after six years as Treasurer. Eric Johnson has graciously agreed to take this Board position so we have an opening for Vice President. Our new Recording Secretary Joanne Prakapas also had to step down due to health reasons, so we are also looking to fill this position. Please email Paul Miller at sacaudubonpresident@ if you are interested and/or require additional information.
Hospitality Chair Open
Daphne Reimer has been filling the Hospitality Chair position for our General Meetings at Effie Yeaw Nature Center for several years. She will continue in this role until May. We need someone who loves to bake cookies and can attend our monthly General Meetings. Please email Paul Miller at sacaudubonpresident@ if you are interested and/or require additional information.
More from Daphne on the Hospitality Chair Position
I’ll be leaving my post as Hospitality Chair come May. I don’t recall when I started making the refreshments for our monthly speaker meeting (there was a long break during the pandemic), but it’s been a while and I am ready to hang up my apron. So, we need a volunteer, or volunteers, to commit to 8 evenings a year to make sure a few refreshments are available to those attending the meeting. If you are a baker, here’s an outlet for you. If you are an organizer, this will be a breeze. Quite simply, you make some coffee, provide the cups and half ‘n half, and put some cookies out (homemade or otherwise). Expenses for baked goods and supplies are reimbursable. Perhaps we’ll forego the refreshments if the position goes unfilled—we certainly don’t need the extra calories. However, the event will feel less convivial, less welcoming, in my opinion. People enjoy chatting before and after the meetings while grabbing a cup of coffee and a cookie or two. As Hospitality Chair, it’s gratifying to know your efforts help support and encourage this gathering. —Daphne Reimer
Outreach Volunteers Needed
We have upcoming spring and summer events where we will need volunteers to help staff our outreach table. You do not need to be an accomplished birder, just someone who enjoys birding and talking to people about our field trips and what SAS’s mission is. You would be working with an experienced volunteer. Helpers work either a morning or afternoon session at outreach events. If you would like to help out on upcoming events please contact Bill Bianco at:, or call 916-372-3318.
Sacramento Audubon Volunteers at an Outreach Event