San Joaquin and Solano Counties — Sacramento Audubon Society

San Joaquin and Solano Counties

To use the map above, click on any point. You’ll find the name and a brief description with a link to additional information. Alternatively, you can click on the square with an arrow in the upper left hand corner of the map to open a complete list of all the locations on this map. The map is easier to use if you enlarge it by clicking on the partial square in the top right portion of the map.

Fees and directions may have changed. If you have recommended changes for a location, please email them to the Web Committee.

San Joaquin County

Solano County

In August of 2020, a megafire called the LNU Lightning Complex became the biggest fire of the Coast Range. It devastated the hills and canyons of the Vaca Mountains and left behind charred forests, chaparral, homes and ranches.

Locations previously recommended in Solano County such as the Lake Solano County Park and Stebbins Cold Canyon Natural Reserve and surrounding areas up to and beyond the Monticello Dam were hard hit. Although the natural beauty of this area has been substantially altered, these sites are open once again to the public.  

Banner Photo Credit: Sandhill Crane by Ray Rozema