Approximately 1 hour north of Sacramento, the Colusa NWR is a great location to view large waterfowl concentrations, especially during December and January. Expect to find Tundra Swans, Snow, Ross’s and Greater White-fronted Geese, along with Gadwall, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Ring-necked Duck, Bufflehead and Ruddy Duck. Rarer but still frequently seen visitors include Eurasian Wigeon and Blue-winged Teal. Shorebirds such as Black-necked Stilts and Greater Yellowlegs and raptors such as Peregrine Falcon and Bald Eagles are generally found.
Ross’s Goose, Image by Daniel Lee Brown
Just past the parking area and accessible restrooms is a large, low Observation Deck which, due to its proximity to the edge of the water, provides access to waterfowl which are surprisingly close. This is a hotspot for birders and photographers alike.
Consider an easy one-mile walk on a level trail through riparian habitat next to the main viewing pond. Finish your outing to this wonderful NWR by driving the three-mile auto tour. A blind is available towards the end of the route for better viewing and photographic opportunities. More information about Colusa National Wildlife Refuge can be found at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife website.
eBird Sightings Colusa NWR, Auto Tour, Walking Trail
Directions: From Sacramento head north on I-5. Take exit #578 at Hwy 20 at Williams and drive 6.7 miles east. Turn right onto O Hair Road and continue to the parking/visitor area and beginning of the Auto Tour Route. The address is 2180 State Hwy 20, Colusa, CA 95932. Entrance passes are not currently required for admission into the Visitor Use Areas of Colusa NWR.
Maureen Geiger