Welcome Spring! As spring arrives many of the ducks and geese that have spent the winter with us are headed for their summer breeding grounds. Migrant warblers and flycatchers drop into the area for a few weeks of excitement, while orioles, kingbirds, and other summer residents begin to arrive. Spring can be one of the birdiest seasons of the year. Here are some of the best local places to enjoy in the spring.

An interactive map of these locations can be found here or at the bottom of this page.

To use the map above, click on any icon. You’ll find the name and a brief description with a link to additional information. Alternatively, you can click on the square with an arrow in the upper left hand corner of the map to open a complete list of all the locations on this map. The map is easier to use if you enlarge it by clicking on the partial square in the top right portion of the map (hover your cursor over the partial square and it will say “View larger map”).

Banner Photo Credit: Wilson’s Warbler by Ray Rozema