Reports of good numbers of the expected migrant songbirds were overwhelmed by excellent shorebird reports. The only rare warbler was a Northern Parula seen and heard by several observers on the Cosumnes River Preserve’s (CRP) Tall Forest survey on 8/22. A Yellow-billed Cuckoo found on 8/15 at CRP near the Accidental Forest was the first for Sacramento County in several years (a few days earlier, on 8/12, a mountain lion on the river bank was well seen from a canoe near this spot!). Up to three Yellow-billed Cuckoos were reported from the Sutter NWR off of Hughes Rd from 8/7-20. Before we delve fully into the shorebird reports, an adult Glossy Ibis reported along Rd 102 southeast of Woodland on 8/27 deserves our attention.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo by Susie Nishio
Yellow-billed Cuckoo by Susie Nishio
Juvenile Snowy Plover 8/28/10 by Chris Conard
There were impressive shorebird reports from multiple sites in the Sacramento area. A Snowy Plover was found at the Lodi WTP on 8/7-8 and five were at the Sacramento WTP on 8/28. Marbled Godwits were reported in good numbers from multiple sites, with “dozens” among a Long-billed Curlew flock at Sherman Island on 8/23. There were Solitary Sandpiper reports from the Lincoln WTP on 8/11 and the Davis Wetlands on 8/29-30. A Sanderling was found at the Woodland WTP on 8/21, one was at the Sacramento WTP and adjacent Bufferlands on 8/17, and an impressive 15 were reported from Sherman Island on 8/23. The only Sacramento County Semipalmated Sandpiper report was a juvenile at the Sacramento WTP on 8/10, but at least 18 individuals were reported in Yolo County this July and August! Baird’s Sandpipers were widely reported in Yolo County (with up to seven at the Woodland WTP on 8/23), the Lodi WTP and Lincoln WTP, but missed entirely in Sacramento County. An excellent series of photos of a Baird's Sandpiper from the Lodi Wastewater Treatment Plant by Dan Brown on 8/9/10 can be seen here. A Pectoral Sandpiper was at the Woodland WTP on 8/19 and a Stilt Sandpiper was found at the Davis Wetlands on 8/26-28. The excellent shorebird conditions at Woodland WTP came at a high price, perhaps from a biotoxin in algae: there were many sick and dead shorebirds among the feeding flocks.
Other highlights included a Least Bittern at the Yolo Wildlife Area (YWA) on 8/14, the continuing Least Terns at the Sacramento WTP through 8/24, an early Red-breasted Sapsucker at CRP on 8/8, a continuing Bell’s Vireo at YWA into at least the first week of August, a Say’s Phoebe about two weeks early along the American River Parkway near the Nimbus Hatchery on 8/26, and numerous Red-breasted Nuthatch reports throughout the region. An interesting older report involved a Steller’s Jay found on 6/12 near Elk Grove-Florin and Gerber Rds in south Sacramento. This distinctive species is rare at low elevations in winter and very unexpected at other seasons.
Many of these reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserv. Visit and click "Listserv" for details. With nearly 100 reports, it is impossible to list everyone; however, I want to thank the following for reports on the above species and for providing additional information: Chad Aakre, Dan Airola, Peter Armstrong, Dan Brown, Jim Dunn, Todd Easterla, Kevin Guse, Steve Hampton, Scott Hoppe, Dan Kopp, Jeri Langham, Jim Laughlin, Susie Nishio, Frances Oliver, Ed Pandolfino, Kathy Parker, Ron Pozzi, John Sterling, Kevin Thomas, Mike Thompson, John Trochet, Liz West, Ed Whisler, and Dan Williams. Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.