January 2011 — Sacramento Audubon Society

January 2011

After a very wet early winter, much of January was quite dry and pleasant, though periods of heavy fog held sway in the low portions of the Valley.  There were many interesting reports for the month, some spilling over from December and the CBC season.  Topping the list was the Central Valley’s first Zone-tailed Hawk.  It was first seen at fairly close range near Babel Slough Rd on 1/24 as it flew across the Sacramento River into south Sacramento, the site of a couple of additional reports into early February.  The other bird causing a major stir this month was an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull found at the Nimbus Hatchery on 1/9, continuing into February.  It was a rather large-billed individual, but otherwise appeared to be a Lesser Black-backed, for just the third or fourth county record.  Another first for the Central Valley came in on 2/1, but we’ll wait until next month for that one.  Click on the photos below to enlarge.

Lesser Black-backed Gull, January 18, 2011, by Ed Harper

Lesser Black-backed Gull, January 18, 2011, by Ed Harper

Sage Thrasher, January 16, 2011, by Ed Harper

Two immature Trumpeter Swans were found along Waltz Rd to the northwest of Lincoln on 1/19 and a Eurasian Green-winged Teal was found at the Yolo Wildlife Area on 1/29.  A female Red-breasted Merganser was on Laguna West Lake, south of Laguna Blvd in Elk Grove on 1/3, continuing through at least 1/9.  A Red-throated Loon on Dutch Slough near Oakley on 1/28 was not too far away, as a loon swims, from a bird reported in November at Sherman Island.  On 1/20 a Pacific Loon was found from Beals Point at Folsom Lake along with seven Common Loons.  An adult Western Gull was found on 1/28 along the American River Parkway (ARP) at Ancil Hofmann and a first-cycle Glaucous Gull was at the Davis WTP on 1/29.

Another of the month’s top finds was a first winter Harris’s Sparrow in a yard near the Gristmill Access of the ARP on 1/31.  It continued into February, when it was widely seen and photographed.  A Sage Thrasher was found on 1/4 south of Clarksburg along the South River Rd at Yolo County Rd 142.  It continued through at least 1/19.  On the 1/15 Tall Forest survey at Cosumnes River Preserve (CRP), highlights included six Blue Snow Geese, a male Eurasian Wigeon, and a Western Sandpiper (rare in winter).  On 1/22, a Cassin’s Vireo was an excellent find at the Tall Forest, along with a wintering Townsend’s Warbler.  A visit to private land in southeastern Sacramento County on 1/29 produced a rare (for California) “Prairie” Merlin, over 100 Lewis’s Woodpeckers, and an immature Northern Shrike.

Additional highlights included an Eastern Phoebe found at the Orr portion of CRP on 1/4, and the continuing Eastern Phoebe along Garden Hwy north of Radio Rd, found through at least 1/9. The continuing Tropical Kingbird from Davis was last reported on 1/2.  After weeks without a report, the Steller’s Jay in Curtis Park was found again on 1/30.  The Mountain Chickadees at East Lawn Cemetery continued into at least mid-January, and Evening Grosbeaks were widely reported in Davis in addition to a couple of reports around Sacramento. 

Many of these reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserv.   Visit www.cvbirds.org and click "Listserv" for details.  With nearly 100 reports, it is impossible to list everyone; however, I want to thank the following for reports on the above species and for providing additional information:  Roger Adamson, Dan Airola, Dan Brown, Laura Davis, Jim Dunn, Todd Easterla, Andy Engilis, Brian Gilmore, Steve Hampton, Ed Harper, Dan Kopp, Gary Langham, Jeri Langham, Ron Melcer, Michael Perrone, Will Rockey, Deren Ross, Don Schmoldt, John Sterling, Craig Swolgaard, Jim Tietz, John Trochet, Sally Walters, Bruce Webb, Dan Williams, and Ken Wilson.  Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.