October 2024 — Sacramento Audubon Society

October 2024

After an amazing September, things were bound to come back down to earth. There weren't a lot of outstanding finds this month, but still a great variety of birds to be seen, with migrants and summer residents getting replaced by wintering waterfowl, Sandhill Cranes, raptors, and sparrows. A female Costa's Hummingbird found at a private yard in Wilton on 8/14 continued through at least 10/23. A male Costa's Hummingbird was found in Davis, near Nugget Fields, on 10/19 (eBird Checklist S199709284) and continued into November--it is likely the same bird that wintered in the area last year as a juvenile.

Shorebird highlights also tapered off from last month. There was a good showing of Pectoral Sandpipers, with reports from Tyler Island (eBird Checklist S197952432) in southern Sacramento County, Cosumnes River Preserve, Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, and N Brewer Rd in Placer County. The only Semipalmated Sandpiper reported was from Tyler Island on 8/8--rather late for the species. Two Sabine's Gulls continued at the Woodland WTP from last month to 10/1. A Red-necked Grebe was a nice surprise along the American River Parkway, downstream from the Gristmill access. It was seen and photographed (eBird Checklist S198787293) by many from 10/13-10/27.

By the last day of the month, an American Dipper was found (eBird Checklist S200945287) at a traditional wintering location along Putah Creek, near the Hwy 128 bridge west of Winters. A Sage Thrasher was a nice find (eBird Checklist S199174689) on 10/16 along Yolo County Rd 104, south of 38A. A late-season Grasshopper Sparrow was found along Michigan Bar Rd on 10/6, a site where they are not regularly reported in breeding season, and a Brewer's Sparrow was found the same day at the Woodland WTP. A Black-and-white Warbler was a nice find at Cosumnes River Preserve on the 10/13 Tall Forest Survey, and a Tennessee Warbler continued at Reichmuth Park from September to through the first week of October.

The Sacramento Area as covered here lies between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000-foot contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club listserv (groups.io/g/centralvalleybirds) and in eBird (ebird.org). It is impossible to list everyone, but we thank the following for their reports: Steve Abbott, Dan Brown, Lyann Comrack, Gil Ewing, Stephen Fettig, Susan Goodrich, Joshua Greenfield, Emmett Iverson, Jeri Langham, Andrew Lee, Mark Martucci, Roger Muskat, Ed Pandolfino, Zane Pickus, Linda Pittman, Ron Pozzi, Jennifer Raven, Kevin Thomas, John Trochet, Tom Uslan, and Amy Williamson. Thanks to everyone for their reports--without them, this column would not be possible.