October 2016 — Sacramento Audubon Society

October 2016

After a very busy September, reports slowed during what proved to be an historically wet October. Impressive Blue-winged Teal numbers continue to be reported at Bridgeway Island Pond in West Sacramento, with a high of 92 on 10/29 (eBird checklist). Locally uncommon Redhead reports were of a single male at the Sacramento County Bufferlands on 10/20 and a high of six at the Davis WTP from 10/16-18. A Marbled Godwit was a nice surprise among a Long-billed Curlew flock along East Levee Rd in Natomas on 10/27. The nice showing of Pectoral Sandpipers at Cosumnes River Preserve (CRP) continued, with six on 10/1 and a single continuing through at least 10/8. Two Pectoral Sandpipers were found at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area on 10/18-22, and two were found at the Davis Wetlands on 10/2 along with a fairly late Solitary Sandpiper. An adult Western Gull was a nice find at the Davis Wetlands on 10/31, where they are rare but regular (eBird checklist). The  Sabine's Gull at the Sacramento Regional WTP continued through 10/1.

Two Band-tailed Pigeons were seen along Wood Duck Slough at the CRP's Tall Forest on 10/1. From 10/25 to the end of the month, a Greater Roadrunner was seen by many along Yolo County Rd 92B (eBird checklist) near Matchbook Winery. A well-described Yellow-shafted (Northern) Flicker was reported at the UC Davis Arboretum on 10/4 and another was reported from Lake Solano on 10/9. An Olive-sided Flycatcher reported along the American River Parkway (ARP) between the Howe and Watt accesses on 10/1 was the latest report of this uncommon migrant this season. A probable Tropical Kingbird was briefly seen and heard at Charles Jensen Park in Carmichael on 10/30. 

Townsend’s Solitaire at the Sacramento City Cemetary on 10/5 was an excellent report of this species that has proven to be quite rare in the Valley (eBird checklist). Three Mountain Bluebirds along Michigan Bar Rd on 10/30 in eastern Sacramento County were the first for the season. A female-type American Redstart was found along ARP near the Estates Dr access on 10/1 (eBird checklist) and a hatch-year male was found along Babel Slough on 10/2 (eBird checklist). On 10/2, a Brewer's Sparrow was photographed at the Sacramento City Cemetery along with five Chipping Sparrows (eBird checklist). A Grasshopper Sparrow found along Meiss Rd on 10/10 was surprisingly late in the season (eBird checklist). A Chestnut-collared Longspur found along Lamb Road, east of Staten Island, in northern San Joaquin County on 10/22 continued through the end of the month and is a good record of a rare but likely under-reported species.

The Sacramento Area is roughly defined as lying between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000’ contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo Counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserve and in eBird. It is impossible to list everyone, but I want to thank the following for their reports:  Keith Bailey, Mike Curry, Lily Douglas, John Ehrenfeld, Gil Ewing, Steve Hampton, Ed Harper, Cliff Hawley, Scott Hoppe, Dan Kopp, Alan Krakauer, Keith Kwan, Jeri Langham, Mark Martucci, Dan Murphy, Frances Oliver, Linda Pittman, Jim Rowoth, Ben Sandstrom, Mark Sawyer, Steve Scott, Kirk Swenson, Jim Thomas, John Trochet, David Yee, and Bryan Young. Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.