June - July 2013 — Sacramento Audubon Society

June - July 2013

This is one of the most important periods for our local nesting birds, but, as a rule, it is the slowest time of year for birding in the Sacramento Area. Often a songbird rarity or two will spice things up, like the Putah Creek Gray Catbird (see below), and by mid-July shorebird migration is in full swing.  An impressive list of summering waterfowl was noted at the Davis Wetlands on 7/12, including Greater White-fronted Goose, Blue-winged TealNorthern ShovelerNorthern PintailGreen-winged Teal, and Canvasback.  A Snow Goosespent the summer in the wetlands along Desmond Rd at Cosumnes River Preserve (CRP) and a female Hooded Merganser with three fully grown young was found at the Valensin portion of CRP on 6/16.  An adult Glossy Ibis was seen by many observers at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA) on 7/28-30.  A Prairie Falcon was reported near Esparto on 6/10, not far from where the species has been documented nesting in the Capay Valley.

Interesting shorebird reports included an American Golden-Plover at YBWA on 7/21, very rare for the Central Valley, a Snowy Plover at CRP on 7/18-20, a Solitary Sandpiper at Davis WTP on 7/22, a Willet at the Sacramento Reg. WTP on 7/29, a high of 14 Marbled Godwits at Davis WTP on 7/17, a Marbled Godwit at CRP on 7/14, where they are much rarer than in Yolo County, and a Semipalmated Sandpiper at Davis Wetlands on 7/25.  A first-cycle Heermann’s Gull, extremely rare for the Central Valley, was found at the Davis WTP on 7/21-22.  Once again Least Terns visited the Sacramento Reg. WTP, with four adults on 6/28 and one continuing on 6/29.  For the first time in six years, they did not attempt to nest.

An adult male Costa’s Hummingbird was seen by many from 6/23-7/25 in residential Natomas.  Visitors were graciously hosted by Kevin Guse as the bird visited his yard and hummingbird feeders.  

Costa's Hummingbird by Kevin Guse on 23 June 2013

Costa's Hummingbird by Kevin Guse on 23 June 2013

Hairy Woodpecker on 7/16 at Sailor Bar, American River Parkway, was an excellent find for Sacramento County.  Songbird migration trickled into June, including a Warbling Vireo in West Sacramento on 6/7.  A Gray Catbird was an excellent find along Putah Creek east of Pedrick Rd on 6/9 and is perhaps a first for Solano County.  Horned Larks were confirmed nesting for the first time at Lower CRP, with newly fledged young found at the Twin Cities Unit on 6/6.  They are regular breeders in the eastern foothills of Sacramento County, as well as nearby portions of San Joaquin County near Staten Island and at the YBWA.  Brown Creepers were once again confirmed nesting along Putah Creek to the west of Winters.  A Yellow-breasted Chat at the Humbug/Willow Creek Parkway in Folsom on 7/9 was found where one was seen and heard earlier this spring.  Several Grasshopper Sparrows were noted on territories in the Putah Creek Sinks (the southern portion of the Yolo Bypass).  A lingering White-crowned Sparrow was found along the Garden Hwy in Natomas on the very late date of 6/22, and an impressive 30Lawrence’s Goldfinches were at Sweetwater Creek and Folsom Lake on 7/17.

The Sacramento Area is roughly defined as lying between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000’ contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo Counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserve and eBird. It is impossible to list everyone, but I want to thank the following for their reports:  Steve Abbott, Andy Engilis, Ron Cole, Todd Easterla, Gil Ewing, Cory Gregory, Kevin Guse, Steve Hampton, Dan Kopp, Jeri Langham, Mark Martucci, Linda Melching, Ed Pandolfino, Michael Perrone, Linda Pittman, William Rockey, Jim Rowoth, Sonia Santa Anna, John Sterling, Michael Strom, Kirk Swenson, Craig Swolgaard, John Trochet, and Daniel Welsh. Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.