September 2011 — Sacramento Audubon Society

September 2011

After three months of unprecedented shorebird finds (June, July, and August each had first records for the Central Valley, and the Common Ringed Plover at the Davis Wetlands (8/19-26) was a first for the state), things were bound to get back to normal. This was a fairly typical September, with reports of expected shorebird and songbird migrants, as well as an influx of returning waterfowlThe one major anomaly was Brown Pelicans seen through most of the month, with the bird first found at the Bridgeway Island Pond in West Sacramento on 8/24 continuing through 9/11. Possibly the same bird was seen flying at the Port of Sacramento (W. Sacramento) on 9/6. Two Brown Pelicans continued from last month in Contra Costa County waters near the Antioch Bridge on 9/20. Another individual was seen at the pond along Rd 102 near the Woodland WTP on 9/3-11 and at the Woodland WTP on 9/21. 

Juvenile Brown Pelican and Snowy Egret at Bridgeway Island Pond in West Sacramento on 1 September 2011 by Chris Conard. Additonal photos are here.

Juvenile Brown Pelican 1 Sept 2011 by Chris Conard

Juvenile Brown Pelican 1 Sept 2011 by Chris Conard

Juvenile Sabine's Gull- 8 Sept 2011 by John Sterling

Juvenile Sabine's Gull- 8 Sept 2011 by John Sterling

Probably the most unexpected bird of the month was a juvenile Sabine’s Gull at the Woodland WTP from 9/8-15.  Juvenile Sabine's Gull and Barn Swallow photographed at the Woodland Wastewater Treatment Plant on 8 September 2011 by John Sterling. Additional photos are here .

Pacific Golden-Plover was found at the Davis WTP on 9/9-10. The Woodland WTP produced a Semipalmated Sandpiper (9/8-15), up to four Baird’s Sandpipers (9/8-15), and two Pectoral Sandpipers on 9/8, with five on 9/11 at the nearby pond on Rd 102. Pectoral Sandpipers were widely reported from other sites, including the Lincoln WTP (8/30-9/9), Riley and Salas Rds near Wilton (9/29), Staten Island (six on 9/17), and Sherman Island (two on 9/20). A Solitary Sandpiper was found at the Lincoln WTP on 9/6-9, and a long-staying bird was at the Sacramento Reg. WTP from 9/14-23. A Sanderling was found at the Davis Landfill pond visible from Rd 28H on 9/12-16. A Stilt Sandpiper was at the Davis Wetlands on 9/16 and, perhaps a different bird, was at the Davis WTP on 9/29-30.

The Eastern Kingbird found at the Yolo Wildlife Area on 8/30 continued through 9/1. The sole “eastern” warbler of the month was a Blackpoll Warbler on 9/15 along Putah Creek near Pedrick Rd. A White-throated Sparrow was in the same area on 9/26. And finally, a singing male Indigo Bunting on 8/2 at the Sac Reg. WTP Bufferlands was inadvertently left off of last month’s tally.

Many of these reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserve. Visit and click "Listserve" for details. With nearly 100 reports, it is impossible to list everyone; however, I want to thank the following for reports on the above species and for providing additional information: Dan Airola, Kathy Blankenship, Brent Campos, Dennis Cavallo, Todd Easterla, Cory Gregory, Steve Hampton, Michael Perrone, Linda Pittman, Mary Schiedt, Dan Skalos, John Sterling, John Trochet, Magill Weber, and Dan Williams. Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.