January 2008 — Sacramento Audubon Society

January 2008

Several of the month's highlights were found on the 1/3 Rio Cosumnes CBC, including a Eurasian Green-winged Teal, a locally impressive five Eurasian Wigeon, 70 Eurasian Collared-Doves, two Long-eared Owls, a Hermit Warbler, and a Grasshopper Sparrow.  Over 300 Great-tailed Grackles were reported around Elk Grove—one of the area hotspots for this expanding species.  Scouting trips prior to the count produced a Bald Eagle, a Barn Swallow, and a Yellow Warbler.  A Rusty Blackbird was reported from an Arno Rd dairy on 1/1.  Documentation of this and other state review species should be submitted to the California Bird Records Committee.

Suburban Sacramento County produced a few excellent reports.  A Plumbeous Vireo was found in Elk Grove Park from 1/16 to at least 1/21.  The Land Park neighborhood in Sacramento hosted a Townsend's Solitaire from 1/19 to 1/23 and a Mountain Chickadee from 1/28 to at least 1/30—Brown Creepers, a  Townsend's Warbler, and a Western Tanager were also found by those looking for the locally rarer species.  An unidentified Empidonax flycatcher was found near the Sacramento Zoo on 1/1 (continuing from 12/24).  The Green-tailed Towhee found in a Rancho Cordova backyard on 11/25 continued through January.  

The gull extravaganza continued at the Davis Landfill and Davis WTP.  There were impressive reports throughout the month, exemplified by a 1/10 report of an adult "Kumlien's" Iceland Gull (a state review species), two Glaucous Gulls, and six Western Gulls.  200-300 Thayer's Gulls were reported, adding to the site's reputation as one of the premiere gull watching locations in the state.  The high numbers of Western Gulls (9 were reported on 1/19) may be attributed to storms driving this typically coastal species inland.  An adult Western Gull was also reported from Lower Sunrise on the American River Parkway on 1/15.

There was a spectacular report of an Emperor Goose (a state review species) at the Yolo Wildlife Area (YWA) on 1/13 flying with a large flock of Snow Geese.  Presumably the same bird was seen again on 2/12.  There is one previous record for the county: 1907!  There was a most intriguing report of a Leach's Storm-Petrel flying along Hwy 99 near Stockton on 1/7 after a heavy storm.  A very productive trip to Lake Solano on 1/13 produced reports of a Hairy Woodpecker, a Pileated Woodpecker, five Brown Creepers, a White-throated Sparrow, and 10 Purple Finches. Other good finds included a Red-throated Loon from Comanche Reservoir on 1/5, a Ruff at YWA on 1/19, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in Fairfield continuing from 11/18, a dead Long-eared Owl at West Pond in Davis on 1/20, a Pacific-slope Flycatcher at Lake Solano on 1/22, a Black-headed Grosbeak northeast of Davis on 1/21, and up to four Lapland Longspurs continuing near the corner of Brewer and Nicolaus Rds in Placer County.  A male Cassin's Finch was found near Slide Hill Park in Davis on 1/29 and continued through at least 1/31.  This species also staged a minor invasion into the foothills just above the area typically treated in this column.

Many of these reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserv.   Visit www.cvbirds.org and click "Listserv" for details.  With over 150 reports, it is impossible to list everyone; however, I want to thank the following for reports on the above species and for providing additional information:  Roger Adamson, Dan Brown, Todd Easterla, Leo Edson, Andy Engilis, Gil Ewing, Maureen Geiger, Jeff Gilligan, Steve Hampton, Ed Harper, Cliff Hawley, Scott Hoppe, David Johnson, Alison Kent, Jeri Langham, Laura Look, John Luther, Ed Pandolfino, Deren Ross, Mike San Miguel, Jr., Mary Schiedt, John Sterling, Craig Swolgaard, Gene Trapp, John Trochet, and Bruce Webb.  Special thanks to Steve Hampton for a summary of Yolo County birds and to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.