December 2017 — Sacramento Audubon Society

December 2017

Christmas Bird Counts (CBC), waterfowl, raptors, and interesting sparrows add up to make December a high point of the year, but occasionally a bird comes along that upends the typical patterns. A Citrine Wagtail was photographed at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA) on 12/15 and seen by two birders on the morning of 12/16. Then wind gusts built to 50 mph and the bird was never seen again. This species had only been recorded twice before on the North American continent.

Maybe it will cease to be impressive someday, but continued reports of over 200 Blue-winged Teal at Bridgeway Island Pond in West Sacramento are remarkable from even a statewide perspective. A Hooded Merganser X Goldeneye or possibly Bufflehead hybrid (eBird checklist) was an interesting find along the American River between Howe and Watt Avenues. Up to 60 Mountain Plovers were found in their traditional area along Robinson Rd at Flannery Rd in Solano County. Less expected was a single Mountain Plover on 12/10 along Abel Rd near Williams, west of Lone Star Rd.  A Pacific Golden-Plover was found at the Woodland WTP from 12/8-18 and another found on the 12/28 Lincoln CBC along Brewer Rd, south of Philip Rd, was a first Placer County record; it continued through the end of the month. The Franklin's Gull found at the Woodland WTP on 11/21 continued through at least 12/6. A Lesser Black-backed Gull was found at the Yolo County Central Landfill pond along Rd 28H on the 12/17 Sacramento CBC, and another was at Beals Point, Folsom Lake, on 12/30. An adult Glaucous Gull (eBird checklist) was at the Woodland WTP on 12/8 and a second-cycle was found at Beals Point on 12/30-31.

Plainfield School (along Yolo County Rd 97) hosted up to three Short-eared Owls, plus up to six Ferruginous Hawks, at the end of the month. At least four Long-eared Owls returned to their winter roost in a private olive orchard near Putah Creek between Davis and Winters. On 12/21, a walk up Rayhouse Rd off of Hwy 16 in the Cache Creek Canyon produced a Northern Pygmy-Owl, a Pileated Woodpecker, and three Hairy Woodpeckers. Another trip on 12/29 on Rd 53 out of Guinda turned up three Northern Pygmy-Owls. Only one Lewis's Woodpecker was reported along Scott Rd, near Carson Creek, and none were apparent on Latrobe or Michigan Bar Rds this December.

The "Western Flycatcher" (likely Pacific-slope) found along Babel Slough on 11/19 continued on 12/13; another was found at the Orr portion of the Cosumnes River Preserve on 12/23.  Single Cassin's Vireos were reported from North Davis on 12/1, Cache Creek Preserve on 12/3, and in Winters on 12/15. A California Thrasher, quite rare for Sacramento County, was very conspicuously singing along Humbug Creek near the corner of Oak Ave Parkway and Blue Ravine Rd in Folsom on 12/31, continuing into January. The Palm Warbler found at the Woodland WTP on 11/24 continued through 12/8, and a Wilson's Warbler was found in North Davis on 12/14-27. The Swamp Sparrow (eBird checklist) found just off the auto tour at YBWA on 11/25 continued through the end of December. On 12/25, a Harris's Sparrow was found in Sutter County at a private residence south of the small town of Meridian, along S Meridian Rd; it continued into January. The Orchard Oriole found on 11/30 in North Davis continued through 12/12.  Rounding out the three species of orioles in Yolo County this December are one to two Hooded Orioles continuing through the end of the month in North Davis and a first-year male Bullock's Oriole found on 12/10 at Park Blvd and Acorn St in West Sacramento. Good numbers of Purple Finches and Pine Siskins continued throughout the month.

The Sacramento Area is roughly defined as lying between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000’ contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo Counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserve and in eBird. It is impossible to list everyone, but I want to thank the following for their reports: Holly Coates, Maurice DeMille, Lily Douglas, Gil Ewing, Steve Hampton, Ed Harper, Cliff Hawley, Jim Holmes, Dan Kopp, Arav and Aranya Karighattam, Manfred Kusch, Jeri Langham, Andrew Lee, Tim Ludwick, Mark Martucci, Frances Oliver, Ed Pandolfino, Michael Perrone, Shannon Skalos, Steve Scott, Kirk Swenson, John Trochet, and Dan Williams. Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible