January 2025 — Sacramento Audubon Society

January 2025

This January produced quite a few interesting regional records, many of which were found on local Christmas Bird Counts. Hybrid geese (Snow x Canada, Snow x Cackling, Canada x Greater White-fronted) and a hybrid Bufflehead x Common Goldeneye that has wintered along the American River Parkway since 2014, and also periodically found (eBird Checklist S210320917) on a small pond in West Sacramento (first detected there in 2022), accounted for the waterfowl rarities. A Greater Roadrunner continued to be reported in the Dunnigan Hills of Yolo County off of County Rd 6, and on 1/24, a roadrunner was reported on the southeastern side of the Sutter Buttes, accounting for one of very few records of this species from the Central Valley's only mountain range. Three Costa's Hummingbirds continued through January, with the female that was first found at a private yard in Wilton on 8/14 (eBird Checklist S207580115), an adult male in Davis near Nugget Fields, and a molting male visiting feeders at Heritage Oak Winery in San Joaquin County, north of the Mokelumne River. 

Mountain Plovers continued in low numbers along Robinson and Flannery Rds, south of Dixon in Solano County, and off Hwy 45 in Yolo County, just south of the Colusa County line. A Short-billed (Mew) Gull was regularly reported this month at the Nimbus Hatchery and upstream to Folsom Lake, and a Western Gull was seen late in the month at the Yolo County Central Landfill and the nearby Davis Wetlands. A Red-throated Loon was found and photographed (eBird Checklist S208164798) on 1/4 from Twitchell Island on Sacramento County waters of the San Joaquin River. Since 11/16, a Pacific Loon was reported on Folsom Lake, from Folsom Pt and Beals Pt, and two were seen on occasion. Wintering Least Bitterns continued at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, with one found and photographed (eBird Checklist S209794722) mid-month at Bridgeway Island Pond in West Sacramento. Up to six were found on 1/4 and 1/8 at restricted access sites on Sherman Island. Long-eared Owls continued at a semi-regular winter roost on a 1/25 survey of a normally closed portion of Cosumnes River Preserve, with only two or three detected after ten were seen the previous month.

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker found at Gibson Ranch Park on 12/28 continued through January. Another was found, or refound, as there was a record last November, and continued for most of the month near the Hwy 128 bridge west of Winters. A Least Flycatcher was found and photographed (eBird Checklist S208067131) on Twitchell Island at a site with restricted access on 1/4. The immature male Vermilion Flycatcher found on 12/27 at the Wild Wings Golf Course outside of Woodland was last reported on 1/11. A Plumbeous Vireo that was found in November went unreported in December at the Sacramento City Cemetery, but it was found again on 1/5 (eBird Checklist S208197015). A Northern Shrike that was seen on the Bufferlands surrounding the Sacramento Reg WTP on 1/29 was probably the same bird found on 12/2 nearly two miles away. A completed Bushtit nest found on 1/22 in the Putah Creek canyon downstream of the Monticello Dam indicated a very early breeding effort. Closeby, near the Hwy 128 bridge, an American Dipper continued at its traditional haunt on Putah Creek. More surprising was up to two dippers seen throughout the month on a tributary to Folsom Lake to the north of the Rattlesnake Bar access. One to two Red Crossbills were reported at the Sacramento City Cemetery in the first half of the month. A Chestnut-collared Longspur was reported from an area of Sherman Island with limited access on 1/4. Garmire Rd, to the west of the Sutter NWR, produced unusually good longspur finds (eBird Checklist S210120243) on 1/19-1/24, with a Lapland Longspur and up to three Thick-billed Longspurs photographed among a large flock of Horned Larks. A Swamp Sparrow was reported from Sherman Island on 1/4, and a female-type Summer Tanager was found along Elk Slough in Clarksburg on 1/2.

The Sacramento Area as covered here lies between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000-foot contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club listserv (groups.io/g/centralvalleybirds) and in eBird (ebird.org). It is impossible to list everyone, but we thank the following for their reports: Dan Airola, Patricia Bacchetti, Nicole Barden, Maggie Bourda, Lyann Comrack, Lily Douglas, Andy Engilis, Gil Ewing, Stephen Fettig, Theresa Graham, Steve Graham, Joshua Greenfield, Marcel Holyoak, Emmett Iverson, Eric Johnson, Rodd Kelsey, Jeri Langham, Andrew Lee, Mark Martucci, Bruce Mast, Roger Muskat, Frances Oliver, Michael Perrone, Zane Pickus, Linda Pittman, Ron Pozzi, Steve Scott, Frank Severson, Chris Swarth, Michele Swartout, Kevin Thomas, John Trochet, and David Yee. Thanks to everyone for their reports--without them, this column would not be possible.