February 2020 — Sacramento Audubon Society

February 2020

For the first time in recorded history, we had absolutely no rain in February. That's not to say that the region was devoid of waterfowl. Colusa County's first Garganey was found on 2/26 off of White Rd (eBird checklist), east of I-5 at Harrington, and continued into March. A Eurasian Green-winged Teal (eBird checklist) was seen sporadically at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA). The White-winged Dove found on 1/24 along Meiss Rd to the west of Dillard Rd continued through at least 2/2. A male Costa's Hummingbird was visiting feeders in southeastern Davis mid-month, and an Allen's Hummingbird was seen by multiple observers visiting flowering eucalyptus on Sherman Island from 2/12 through at least 2/24, with a displaying male and at least three other Rufous/Allen's Hummingbirds seen. This Delta location is just beyond the edge of the regular breeding range for this species.

Marbled Godwit at the YBWA on 2/23 was a nice find for the season, and a Ruff (eBird checklist) at the same location on 2/27 was even more unexpected. An adult Lesser Black-backed Gull was found at the Yolo Landfill Pond on 2/25, and perhaps different adult was found at the YBWA on 2/26. An adult Slaty-backed Gull was photographed on 2/15 (eBird checklist) along Yolo County Rd 104 where likely the same bird had been found earlier in the season. Rough-legged Hawks are much less expected than they were two decades ago, but this winter they continue to be reported fairly regularly from good raptor locations in the region. A wintering flock of at least ten Long-eared Owls was found on 2/22 in a closed portion of Cosumnes River Preserve (CRP) where the flock had been found in November and December, but missed in January. 

The young male Vermilion Flycatcher first found at Tanzanite Park in Natomas on 10/30 continued to 2/26, but was missed thereafter. The Gray Flycatcher, first found on 1/4 along the River Walk at CRP, continued through at least 2/21. A Northern Shrike was found on 2/29 and seen by many into March near the Colusa Garganey location. The Plumbeous Vireo reported in Winters on 12/8 continued through at least 2/20, and a singing Cassin's Vireo at Slidehill Park in Davis on 2/26 was also notable for the date. Two Evening Grosbeaks were heard and seen near Sac St. on 2/16. A Lark Bunting was found (eBird checklist) on 2/1 along Yolo County Rd 86 to the north of Rd 16 and continued through the end of the month. The Clay-colored Sparrow found on 12/27 at Tanzanite Park continued into mid-March. Additional notable reports included the continuing Harris's Sparrow in Woodland, the continuing Swamp Sparrow along the auto tour route at the YBWA, and a Black-and-white Warbler at Bobelaine on 2/1. The continuing Worm-eating Warbler in southeastern Davis, first found on 10/27 at San Marino Park, was only sporadically found through at least 2/29.

The Sacramento Area is roughly defined as lying between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000-foot contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo Counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club listserve and in eBird. It is impossible to list everyone, but I want to thank the following for their reports: Stuart Angerer, Kathy Blankenship, Max Brodie, Holly Coates, Konshau Duman, Chris Dunford, Gil Ewing, Leif Gallagher, Steve Hampton, Cliff Hawley, James Holmes, Stan Hunter, Emmett Iverson, Logan Kahle, Jeri Langham, Michael Perrone, Zane Pickus, Ken Schneider, Steve Scott, Dave Shuford, Ken Sobon, Gavin Stacey, John Trochet, Zeke VanZante, Bart Wichel, Dan Williams, and Lynette Williams. Thanks to everyone for their reports--without them, this column would not be possible.