November 2008 — Sacramento Audubon Society

November 2008

While there were no major standout reports this month, there were a lot of good birds seen.  Pine Siskins continued to be reported in good numbers (and were downright common in Davis), though fewer were seen in some areas toward the end of the month.  As is appropriate for the time of year, waterfowl were well represented among the reports. 

On 11/2, there were an impressive 22 Blue-winged Teal at the Davis Wetlands.  A Greater Scaup was reported at Sutter NWR on 11/11, a female Surf Scoter was found at the Lincoln WTP on 11/4 through 11/7, and a Red-breasted Merganser was on the American River near Gristmill on 11/18, while two were on the Yolo County Rd 103 pond on 11/19.  On 11/28, a hybrid Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye was reported at Lake Solano. 

Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker was found at Cosumnes River Preserve (CRP) on 11/2.  It was well studied to rule out an intergrade with a Red-shafted Northern Flicker.  These intergrades account for nearly all of the flickers in our area showing yellow-shafted characteristics.  "Western" Flycatchers (probably Pacific-slope Flycatchers) were reported at CRP on 11/1 and 11/14, with two on 11/29.  Also at CRP on 11/29, a "Solitary" Vireo was found, but was not seen well enough to identify to species, and a grosbeak was found (likely a Black-headed Grosbeak).  Most astonishing that day at CRP were 11 White-throated Sparrows—perhaps the single-day record for one location in the Sacramento area.  Rounding out the Cosumnes reports were a Swamp Sparrow on 11/28 and two Cassin's Finches on 11/9.  A Long-eared Owl and a Canyon Wren were found on private land in southeastern Sacramento County that is part of the CRP Project.  For the latter species, this is only the second record for the county since 1967. 

A bedraggled Western Kingbird found near the Lodi Sewer Ponds during the Central Valley Birding Symposium (11/22-23) was extremely rare for the season.  Other interesting reports include a male Costa's Hummingbird at UC Davis on 11/20, a Red-naped Sapsucker in Galt throughout the month, a Townsend's Solitaire at Lake Solano on 11/2, a mini-invasion of Steller's Jays on 11/8 and 11/9 (near Gristmill, in Orangevale, Newcastle, and near Lincoln), and a Cassin's Finch in Davis on 11/18.  A Swainson's Hawk was seen at the Yolo WA on 11/15, over 50 Cattle Egrets were regularly reported at Glenbrook Park adjacent to the American River, an adult Western Gull was at Sherman Island on 11/11, two Pacific Golden-Plovers were on Flannery Rd south of Dixon on 11/8, and 60-65 Mountain Plovers were there on 11/29. 

Many of these reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserv.  Visit and click "Listserv" for details.  With over 100 reports, it is impossible to list everyone; however, I want to thank the following for reports on the above species and for providing additional information:  Steve Abbott, Roger Adamson, Terry Colborn, Andy Engilis, Tim Fitzer, Steve Hampton, Ed Harper, Doug Herr, Scott Hoppe, Dan Kopp, Manfred Kusch, Jeri Langham, Jim Laughlin, Frances Oliver, Ed Pandolfino, Phil Robertson, Jim Rowoth, Mary Schiedt, John Sterling, John Trochet, Bobby Walsh, Ed Whisler, Dan Williams, and David Yee.  Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.