November 2013 — Sacramento Audubon Society

November 2013

Despite an exceedingly dry fall, in terms of precipitation, waterfowl reports led the way. Blue morph Ross’s Geese appear to have increased in recent years, but they are still rare.  On 11/19, individuals were reported at both Sutter and Colusa National Wildlife Refuges.  An immature/female Surf Scoter (photo) was an excellent find at the William B. Pond access to the American River Parkway on 11/30, while the bird of the month was Yolo County’s first Black Scoter, a female (, at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area on 11/25-27.  This last species is exceedingly rare in the Central Valley.

The few shorebird and gull highlights this month included a long-staying Pacific Golden-Plover at the Woodland WTP (11/12-27) and a late Semipalmated Plover at the same location on 11/12-16.  A hatch-year Western Gull found along Lone Star Rd east of Williams on 11/19 was a very good find for Colusa County, and an adultWestern Gull was found at Nimbus Hatchery on 11/21.  Rounding out the gull reports, a hatch-year Glaucous Gull was seen at the Yolo County Landfill Pond, viewed from Rd 28H, on 11/14. 

A hatch-year male Costa’s Hummingbird (eBird checklist) was a nice find in Esparto on 11/3-4, and 39 Band-tailed Pigeonswere reported along Putah Creek west of Winters on 11/17.  A Yellow Warbler along Putah Creek downstream of Pedrick Rd on 11/2 and a Wilson’s Warbler along the River Walk at Cosumnes River Preserve on 11/9 were reported much later in the year than expected.  Other nice finds included a Vesper Sparrow at the traditional large bend west of Winters along Hwy 128 on 11/17-23, a Red Fox Sparrow at Willowbank Ditch in Davis on 11/7, the continuing Harris’s Sparrow in N Davis, and anotherHarris’s Sparrow found in Amador County north of Lake Camanche from at least 11/19-29.

The Sacramento Area is roughly defined as lying between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000’ contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo Counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club Listserve and eBird. It is impossible to list everyone, but I want to thank the following for their reports:  Dan Airola, Chris Dunford, Ken Ealy, Andy Engilis, Gil Ewing, Claire Gallagher, Steve Hampton, Dan Kopp, Jeri Langham, John Luther, William Rockey, Jim Rowoth, Dale Rubach, John Sterling, Michael Strom, John Trochet, Dan Williams, and Sylvia Wright. Thanks to everyone for their reports—without them, this column would not be possible.