August 2024 — Sacramento Audubon Society

August 2024

After a July that broke all-time heat records, hard to believe, August was a relief. Temperatures were more reasonable and we settled into what is often one of the most exciting months on the birding calendar. In August, with post-breeding migration in full swing, just about anything seems possible. A few Snow Geese were reported from scattered locations for the second summer in a row, while a few more Greater White-fronted Geese were found in keeping with recent trends. A Red-breasted Merganser on Folsom Lake was seen from Beals Point for much of the month (eBird Checklist S190051506). A Greater Roadrunner photographed at the Davis Wetlands on 8/29 (eBird Checklist S193177378) was an excellent find. This species has declined in the region because of habitat loss, so finding one so close to heavily developed human habitats is a surprise, but not unprecedented. A female-type Costa's Hummingbird was photographed at a private yard in Wilton from 8/14 into September.

Shorebird highlights included one to two Snowy Plovers found at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA) during the first week of the month, one reported sporadically at the Woodland WTP throughout the month (probably accounting for more than one individual over time), one at Beals Point on 8/8, and one at the White Slough WTP (Lodi Sewer Ponds) on 8/23. Solitary Sandpiper reports came from Staten Island on 8/11, a couple different reports from YBWA, and one on the edge of our covered region, in the foothills of Nevada County, at the Lake of the Pines WTP on 8/29. Marbled Godwit and Willet records were a bit too many to innumerate, but four Marbled Godwits at Cosumnes River Preserve (CRP) on 8/15 were a nice find for Sacramento County, where this species is not nearly so regular as in Yolo County. On 8/17, a Stilt Sandpiper was quite a surprise at CRP (eBird Checklist S191829688). This species only turns up in the Sacramento area every few years. Single, molting adult Sanderlings were found on 8/3 near the Granite Bay Boat Launch at Folsom Lake (eBird Checklist S190049175), on 8/9 at YBWA, and from 8/11-8/13 at CRP. While still rare to uncommon, Baird'sPectoral, and Semipalmated sandpipers were reported in small numbers from multiple locations throughout the month.

An Eastern Wood-Pewee was found to the south of the area usually covered here, at Oak Grove Park in Ripon, on 8/2. This diagnostically calling bird was seen and, more importantly, heard by many through 8/5 (eBird Checklist S190046803). This is an excellent find anywhere in the state. An Eastern Kingbird found at CRP on 8/18 appears to be a first for the preserve. A Northern Parula seen by many at the Gristmill access to the American River Parkway on 8/29 continued into early September. A Summer Tanager was found by the same party on the same day--interestingly, 8/29 is well-represented in this column--downstream of Gristmill and the Mayhew Drain, near Larchmont Park, and continued to 8/31. The Indigo Bunting found at the SacSewer Bufferlands on 6/27 was last detected on 8/2.

The Sacramento Area as covered here lies between Hwy 20 to the north, Hwy 12 to the south, and the 1000-foot contour to the east and west, plus all of Sacramento and Yolo counties. Many reports first appeared on the Central Valley Bird Club listserv ( and in eBird ( It is impossible to list everyone, but we thank the following for their reports: Cavan Allen, Lyann Comrack, Jonathan Eisen, Andy Engilis, Gil Ewing, Stephen Fettig, Joshua Greenfield, Jim Holmes, Jeri Langham, Andrew Lee, Mark Martucci, Colin Meusel, Dana Miller-Blair, Zane Pickus, Linda Pittman, Ron Pozzi, Rene Reyes, Diane Rose, Steve Rose, Dessi Sieburth, Steve Scott, Gavin Stacey, Cameron Tescher, Kevin Thomas, John Trochet, and David Yee. Thanks to everyone for their reports--without them, this column would not be possible.